Well. Okay. Not really 'here' here yet because its release date is February 2nd, 2016, but the cover is here. Designed by the talented bertodesign.com
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
I Won't Break Cover Reveal
Well. Okay. Not really 'here' here yet because its release date is February 2nd, 2016, but the cover is here. Designed by the talented bertodesign.com
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Amazon paperback
The process is not as scary as I thought it would be. I encountered a few minor problems which were resolved right away by the Createspace team. Phew!
Sunday, July 26, 2015
My Dream, His Dream
- It’s a day-to-day battle to let our children go and be an adult. It’s especially hard when what we want is not the same as what they want, because it’s not just our kid we need to let go, but also our dream we have for them. It’s a constant battle to trust their choices and respect their decision without judgment or harassment because our instinct to take over and protect them is so strong, it’s nearly impossible to just sit and watch and nod.
- It’s a real battle to overcome our own fear and reservation.
- It’s a battle to accept and live our children’s dream as our own. It's the right thing to do, but it doesn't always come easy.
Which mother would not cry when her son said, “Please don’t cry. If God’s will is for me to become a pilot, then He will show me the way.” I can’t believe this was coming from an eighteen-year-old boy. I’m sure my friend’s tears have created another ocean in our planet no matter how many times her son told her not to cry.
Monday, July 6, 2015
MY LEA paperback
I stil can't believe that the first printing batch that I did for fun and without any proper sales plan has SOLD OUT, and that I'm currently looking at the second printing edition of my book 🙆🙆.
Thank you so much, guys, for supporting Lea and Andrew. It means so much for a debut indie author like me. (It means the stars and the moon and the sun and everyhting else)
*takes a deep breath**
Okay. Here we go 😀.
For signed copies, please drop me an email at themellyberry@gmail.com
Thank youuuuu....
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Don't Copy, Don't Steal
Artists create. It's not just our job, it's who we are: authors write, performers perform, illustrators illustrate, painters paint, singers sing... it's who we are.
If you love our creation, thank you. You have given us the greatest joy ever.
If we manage to inspire you through our works, then it's a triple plus, a bonus. It's the thing that makes what we do worth it.
But please don't copy. It's not inspiration, it's stealing.
Don't copy, then claim it yours, and then sell it for money. It's worse than stealing.
We want you to be inspired, yes.
Be original, be loud, be brave.
Be yourself.
Don't steal other people’s work.
You are better than that.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
How To Survive Editing
Monday, May 25, 2015
A Thank You Diorama
When my 8-year-old wanted to give her teachers something as a thank-you gift, she didn't go for card or chocolates and flowers.
She made them dioramas "Thank You for Helping Me Grow."
The first one shows a green caterpillar that transforms herself into a beautiful (featherly) butterfly.
The next one shows seed in a garden that transform into a tall tree. She used real leaves to make that tree.
I helped! Cutting and pasting mostly.
What do you think?
You think her teachers would love these gifts?
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
MG Fantasy : A Dare
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Don't Quit Yet
I'm blogging about praises I've received for MY LEA. Yup, you're right, this is me showing off, not gonna deny it.
- it was written in English, and English is not my first language.
- I've written it with blood, tears, frustration, fear, rejection, insecurities, also love and pride for three long years.
- I taught myself how to write by reading lots and lots of books, articles, reviews, blogs, anything I can get my hands on, and following authors I admire. I never had any formal education in writing. My background is faaaar from writing. Far, far from it.
- My Lea's rating is not so bad for a first-timer. Teehee!
Don't quit just yet. The journey is complex. I remember whenever I was thisclosetogiveup, I would stop, distract myself from my writing and find something else that could inspire me.
So I'm paying this forward. I hope this post inspires you. I hope My Lea inspires you.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Raising Teens
Raising teens is HARD HARD HARD. Don't look at me. I'm not here to give you answers. I don't know how to do it either because, hey, I'm here for the first time too and I'm still learning. Surprisingly, or not, the only thing I've learned so far is that these teens could surprise me, humble me even, if only I ... listen.
Seriously. It’s that simple.
If they feel comfortable confiding in you, that's a big fat bonus. Use that trust well.
Raising teen means we need to put on our coaching jersey. You don't get to play the game with them every time, but you can still watch them play and yell out a few pointers from the side field every now and then.
We need to be more their friend and less their dictator. Putting an arm around their shoulders works much better than putting chains around their ankles.
I remember a saying from Buddha. It goes like this : If you hold them too tight, they'll choke. You hold them too loose, they'll run wild without direction.
A good wisdom 😊
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Kartini Day
Being a Kartini means I can be myself.
I can be a girl and a lot more.
I'm good at what I do, and I do what I love.
Skirts and kebaya are not there to confine me, they're a part of who I am.
I respect everyone, but most of all, I respect myself.
This is me and I love every moment of it.
Selamat hari Kartini, sisters.
*Kartini was an Indonesian heroine. She was a pioneer in the area of women's rights for Indonesians.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Reading Control
My biggest dilemma so far is whether or not I should notify parents whose daughter has been reading FSOG.
Do Fun Like A Boss
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Ten YA Books that Could Use an Extended Ending
Monday, March 30, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
What I think of Clean Reader App
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Goodreads Giveaway
So excited to tell you that I'm having an International Goodreads Giveaway from now until April 24, 2015.
click here to enter!
Friday, March 13, 2015
I took my family to watch Cinderella movie last night. I left the theater with more than just a big smile on my face and warmth in my heart.
Cinderella is the first fairy tale I've come to know growing up. For years to come, it stayed at the top of the list as the best Disney Princess story for me (Sorry, Frozen). Until Beauty and The Beast animated movie with its iconic song came along. Then, I have two favorite Disney Princess stories. Imagine my excitement when I learned Beauty and The Beast is currently in production.
Yeah. Cray excited!
Cinderella, being my first love, has always had that unbreakable magical effect on me. Watching the movie last night brought back so many happy, giddy, wonderous memories from my childhood. Watching my now 7-year-old daughter blown away with the story is an experience I would cherish til the end of time. In her, I relive my own magical moments when Cinderella met Prince Charming, when the mice helped sewing the dress, when the Fairy Godmother appeared for the first time.
Disney has once again proved themselves to be the best creator of anything magic.
The movie is beautiful. The acting is flawless. The message is modern without sacrificing its originality.
What set this Cinderella movie apart from its predecessors is the message it's sending to the audience.
"Have courage and be kind."
I love that.
I didn't remember it was there in my old version of Cinderella. Sure, it talked about dreams and hope and kindness, but in this new version, it pointedly reminds us that in life, magic or not magic, everything starts with you. You rule your own destiny, because at the end, it's not the Fairy Godmother's magic that wins Prince Kit's heart. It's not Fairy Godmother's magic that makes Cinderella beautiful because she is already beautiful by being herself, a simple country girl with a big heart.
"Have courage and be kind" as opposed to Cinderella's stepmother's "have jealousy and be bitter".
Many of you have asked me how good this Cinderella movie is.
Here is my answer:
If it can make my 12-year-old brooding teenage boy said WOW at the of the movie, then it is THAT good.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Depression (and book reviews of All the Bright Places and I Was Here)
The first time I’m reviewing two books in one go.
The first time I’m writing an article about suicide and mental health issues.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Haters Gonna Hate; Frauds Gonna Cheat
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Fifty Shades of Grey Valentine's Day
Monday, February 9, 2015
Everyone has to start somewhere, and three years ago I've started somewhere with these babies. Now I'm standing with a new adult novel MY LEA, and nine children’s books (one is on its way soon).
Still a long way to go, I know, but I will stop now and then and just be grateful 😇...
Friday, January 30, 2015
Editing, anyone?
Taken from MY LEA edited manuscript |
Hey, everyone! As Melly said, my name is Mickey Reed, and I am a freelance copyeditor for self-published authors. Today, I’m going to explain why I believe editing is important—very important—to the publishing process, talk about why I think everyone should hire an editor, go over the major different types of editing, and discuss how to choose an editor for your project. It sounds a little dry or intimidating, but it’s imperative to putting your best work out there.